Sunday, August 10, 2008

Turkish Carpets Are One Of A Kind

by Mike Selvon

Turkish carpets are highly sought after throughout the world. The beauty and artistry involved in making these rugs, along with their warm, rich colors, are much-enjoyed characteristics of the rugs. Highly versatile, they can be used as flooring coverings or wall hangings, depending entirely on how they are made and the materials used.

Because they are prized, they can be quite expensive and there are many forgeries on the market. As a result, anyone who is considering purchasing one needs to learn more about them first.

Traditionally, carpets make in Turkey are made by women and girls using wool pile, warps and wefts, as well as natural dyes. Of course, the traditional method of making these carpets is not always the most convenient or cost-effective.

Some variations include weaving with wool pile on cotton warps and wefts, as well as using silk pile, warp and wefts. Chemical dyes and machine weaving have also become common production methods for custom carpets that are meant to be sold.

The different types of Turkish carpets do have different characteristics. Wool on wool carpets, for example, tends to have a low knot count and non-intricate patterns, like geometric shapes, while wool on cotton has a higher knot count and more intricate patterns, including floral designs. Silk on silk rugs have the highest knot count and usually have very intricate patterns.

In addition to materials used, you can determine whether the rug is hand-or machine-spun by looking at the back of it. If the squares are all the same size, then the rug has been machine-spun. You can also tell whether the dyes used are natural or the less expensive chemical versions by wiping a spot of the rug with a damp white cloth.

If color bleeds off, then chemical dyes have been used. Keep in mind that bleeding off on the cloth also means they will bleed onto each other if the carpet is washed.

Weavers of Turkish carpets make them to sell, but they are also used by the weavers as floor coverings, wall hangings, floor mats, and even protective covers during severe changes in temperature. Since they are not all made to sell, and they are only made in a few areas within Turkey, the rugs can be difficult to find.

Although hand weaving has declined because of the increase in machine weaving, the rugs are still made with the kind of quality that allows them to become family heirlooms. Before buying, however, it is important to know enough about the custom carpets to be certain of what you're being sold. Readmore »»

10 Ways to Keep Your Carpet Dust-Free, Always!

10 Ways to Keep Your Carpet Dust-Free, Always!

by John Erickson

The reality of carpeting, as opposed to wood, laminate, or tile floors, is that it collects and traps dust within its fibers. This can pose a problem for people who are sensitive to dust or suffer from allergies. Having dust trapped in your carpet can also start to make it appear dirty if you are not regularly cleaning it. Even those who do not have allergies will sometimes begin to notice that they are sneezing more often or even getting sick more often due to the dust that collects within their carpets. Steps do need to be taken to clean and maintain dust-free carpets to avoid these problems.

Invest In a Good Air Purifier

Air purification systems are uniquely designed to capture dust particles within a space which results in cleaner air. As the air purifier sucks dust particles into its filter, it prevents them from settling into carpeted areas. There are several air purifiers on the market that claim to capture of over 99 percent of micron particles.

Vacuum Your Carpet Regularly

One way to clean dust from your carpeted areas is to regularly vacuum them. Some vacuum cleaners work better than others, and there are some that are specially designed to clean dust from the carpet and air. It is a good idea to invest in a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter or one with a filtration system which can be emptied and replaced. Vacuum cleaners which use bags do not trap dust from carpeting as well as those with more advance filtration systems.

Dust Your Furniture At Least Once a Week

Be sure to dust all of the furniture in your carpeted rooms at least once a week. Do not use feather dusters, as they only shake the dust into the air which will later transfer to the carpet and furniture. For most furniture, you can use a damp cloth or even something such as a Swiffer duster which traps and locks dust into its fibers to prevent it from redistributing within the room.

Keep Window Treatments Clean and Dust-Free

It is important to also dust blinds with a wet cloth on a regular basis. This is an area that is often ignored, but it is one of the areas which collects the most dust within a room. When the dust accumulates, it can fall into the carpeting. Curtains should either be vacuumed with a special attachment or taken down and washed regularly to remove dust build-up as well.

Have Your Carpet Cleaned Professionally Every Three To Six Months

Not only will professional carpet cleaning preserve your carpet for years to come and keep it looking great, but it is also a way to remove excess dust from your carpet, too. For high-traffic carpeted areas, professional steam cleaning is recommended every three months. For areas with less traffic, every six months should be enough to help you keep your carpet dust-free. Readmore »»

How to clean most stained carpeting with your own home-made products

by Tom Dugas (Canadacleaning)

Often, you'd rather not go through the costly process of hiring a professional to clean your carpets. You can go out and buy a home carpet-cleaning machine, however, this might also be expensive. The manufacturers of these carpet cleaning machines will suggest exclusively using their branded cleaning products that can often cost over $10 per bottle.

There has to be a less expensive way.

There are some homemade recipes that can help you clean your carpets for less, and they can help you save more while keeping your carpets looking newer longer. When working with cleaning chemicals, always make sure to test a small hidden area first so you can rest assured that this chemical isn't going to ruin your carpeting. (don't forget this) Carpets are made using many different processes and materials and you never know how your carpet will react to different cleaning products.

Once a stain happens, take out as much of the offending substance before trying anything else. If the stain is wet, you should try to blot the stain out using a paper towel as soon as you notice the stain. As soon as this is done, you can try using one of the solutions found in this list.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Solutions

Everyday Carpet Cleaner Mixture:

We recommend ordinary club soda to eliminate many common stains. After soaking up the stain, simply drench it in club soda and pat it out using a napkin.

Another useful recipe is to mix one cup of borax with two cups of baking soda. Once you've used napkins to clean up the mess, sprinkle the mixture onto the stain and rub it down. Just leave it there for a while before vacuuming the mixture off the carpet.

If you have a machine for cleaning carpets, try mixing some vinegar and liquid dish washing soap. Take about 2 teaspoons of each & mix into 2 litres of water. If you don’t own a carpet cleaning machine, you can also load this into a spray bottle and spray it directly onto the stain.

To cleanse ink stains from carpets

If you notice an ink stain, you should attempt to soak it out first while not spreading it around. Next, throw together some tartar and lemon juice in order to dissolve the stain. Rub the mixture in carefully, but be sure not to spread the stain. Once the ink has come loose, use a vacuum to clean the mixture from the carpeting.

In order to clean blood marks from your carpet

Hydrogen peroxide is perfect for getting those blood stains out from ordinary household carpeting. Simply drench the peroxide on top of the blood stain and you’ll see it start to bubble up until it disappears. Finish off remaining mess with water until clean.

To lift out oil and grease from your carpet

Good old corn starch or baking soda are excellent for clearing up grease and oil stains. Start by removing as much oil as you can manage using paper towels. Now, add corn starch or baking soda directly into the oil patch. Once you've rubbed it in well, allow it to sit for about half a day so that this time allows for the powder to do its job. and vacuum the leftover residue the next day.

Getting out pet smells and stains from carpeting

First, clean up the area. Then, blot up unwanted moisture using a stack of disposable towels. Use dishwashing soap to clean the stain use a mix of warm water and vinegar to rinse before patting it out using disposable towels. Next, stack napkins over the mess and then apply pressure to dry it out. Place something heavy on top, like a dumbell, and allow to sit until morning.

Removing carbon from carpet fibers

In order to remove ashes, carbon and ashes from your carpet fibers, just pour salt onto the stain and allow to sit for one hour before vacuuming. Readmore »»

Comparison between Laminate Flooring and Tile Flooring

by John Erickson

There are literally hundreds of choices available when it comes to choosing a floor covering for different areas of your home. From carpet, tile, hardwood floors, vinyl floors and laminate flooring, it can be a difficult selection to make. For durability, two of the best choices are laminate flooring and tile flooring. The type of flooring that you choose will depend on your specific needs and style preferences. Below is a comparison between laminate flooring and tile flooring to help you make the right decision for your home.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is extremely durable. It resembles the rich, beautiful look of hardwood floors but it is available for a much less expensive investment. Laminate flooring is made from a variety of materials including paper, resin, and wood. Laminate floors are easier to install, and it does not require gluing and nailing. Recommended for heavy traffic areas, laminate floors can withstand a lot of wear and tear while still looking great. Laminate floors are easy to care for just by sweeping, vacuuming, and damp mopping with warm water. Laminate floors come in many different colors and styles. You can choose a light colored laminate floor to give a room a bright, airy feel and to make a space appear larger than it is. If you prefer a warm, cozy feel in a large room, you can opt for a darker color laminate floor. With so many colors and shades available, you can choose one that is just right for your décor preferences. Additionally, laminate floors are neutral regardless of which color or shade you choose. This means that you can change your décor whenever you want, but you won't have to change your laminate floors.

Tile Flooring

Tile flooring is also very versatile and durable. Tile is not as easy to install as laminate floors, but the flooring category offers more color and pattern varieties. With tile you can choose something very neutral to hide dirt or you can go for bold colors like black and white, red, blue, or just about any other color you can imagine. When choosing tile, it is important to pick one that is "rated" for the type of use you expect for a particular room. There are "light traffic" and "heavy traffic" choices, so be sure to get the one that suits your lifestyle.

Tile floors are also very easy to clean by just sweeping and mopping them. With tile you have the choice of using various cleaning solutions to sanitize the area, and you really don't need to worry about the chemicals damaging the floor. Unfortunately over time, the grout in between the tile can start to look dirty and dingy, so you will need to have it professionally cleaned and resealed after a couple of years to keep it looking new. Readmore »»

Allergy Relief - Carpet Cleaning

by Elizabethk

Most carpet looks clean especially after a quick vacuum but have you ever stopped to consider what is really lurking deep down in those fibers? Hold on tight because what you are about to discover might change the way you view your carpet forever.

Sand and Dirt. Every mother knows how hard it is to keep the pets and children from tracking in sand or dirt so it probably comes as no surprise to learn the average carpet can weigh up to 10x's its original weight due to the accumulation of sand and dirt. Vacuuming only removes the surface layer but once sand and dirt makes its way deep into the fibers of the carpet it is trapped.

Dust Mites and Dander. People and pets shed skin that contains dust mites, dander and other organic material. In fact, the average human sheds over a pound of skin each and every year. Multiply that by the number of people in your home and the age of the carpet to estimate how many (literal) pounds of flesh you have residing in your carpet.

Pollen, Spores & More. Dust, pollen, mold and mildew spores and much more all circulate throughout your home and air vents on a regular basis. Even if you keep windows closed these small spores and pollen are carried in on pets and people. Use of a HEPA filter helps reduce air born particles but once they are trapped deep into the fiber of the carpet they can be hard to remove.

Bacteria. Spills and stains often include food, drinks, pet stains like urine or other unsanitary problems that cause the growth of bacteria. Odors are a sure sign of bacteria but even if the area doesn't show a stain bacteria can still grow.

Toxic Chemicals. From pesticides to the manufacturing process itself, many carpets contain a wide variety of toxic compounds that can irritate eyes, cause allergies and increase Asthma among sensitive individuals. Many carpet cleaning services actually worsen the problem by using toxic cleaning solutions rather than environmentally friendly products. These toxic chemicals linger in the carpet for years and contribute to breathing problems, allergies, headaches and other health issues.

Stop second guessing your health and call a qualified Phoenix carpet cleaning provider that is dedicated to using non-toxic "green" cleaning products like Kiwi Services of Phoenix. Not only can they keep your carpets clean but by avoiding harsh toxic chemicals you are actually enhancing the air quality in your home rather than adding to the problem. Readmore »»